How You Can Help

Volunteers Needed

The campaign can always use volunteers. Tasks available include, doorbelling with Bill, stuffing envelopes and attaching address labels for mailers, helping at fundraisers, inputing data for the campaign's database, and putting up and maintaining yard signs. If you would like to volunteer, or just find out more about it, please e-mail Ron Morrison or call him at (360) 576-5819.

Financial Contributions

Political campaigns always cost some money, so financial contributions, of any size, are appreciated. Contributions to the Fromhold Campaign can be sent to the campaign committee at the following address:

Fromhold for the 49th Committee
PO Box 2278
Vancouver, WA 98668

This web presentation is copyright © 2000 Fromhold for 49th, all rights reserved.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bill Fromhold, Ron Morrison, Chairman.
Design by Pakrat Press Digital Publishing.