Earth Day is a regional celebration focusing on our community, businesses and schools while providing an opportunity for children and adults to do something today for tomorrow. There are many things you can do for Earth Day. Any idea can be a project. A general theme to guide you is
"Conserve, Protect, Restore and Enhance". Last year more than 20,000 volunteers worked on over 250 projects in the state of Oregon. We need you to do something to improve our environment. When you become a project leader for Earth Day, you will join hundreds like you who are planning activities with families, friends and co-workers in neighborhoods, schools and at the office.
Portland Public School/Green Thumb
Green Thumb will be hosting a Open House/Plant Sale
Location: Green Thumb, 6801 SE 60th Ave., Portland
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Contact: Marc Stein, Principal, 503-916-5818
Volunteers Needed: 5
Eugene Earth Day Celebration
A coalition of government and non profit organizations present an Earth Day Celebration, Earth Action Arenas, Procession of all Species, entertainment and junk art show.
Location: Downtown Eugene
Contact: Diane Albino, 541-933-2584
Volunteers Needed: 15
Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP
We are teaming up with SOLV to clear non-native plants and maintain the trails.
Location: Forest Park
Contact: Kari Denison, 503-778-5472
Volunteers Needed: 18
Community Energy Project
Volunteers install weatherization materials in the homes of low-income senior citizens
Location: 422 NE Alberta Street, Portland
Contact: Graham Prichard, 503-284-6827
Volunteers Needed: 10, age 14 and up
The Nature Conservancy of Oregon
Join others in removing non-native species at these spectacular preserves. Bring gloves and lunch.
Location: Cascade Head Preserve and Camassia Natural Area
Contact: Molly Dougherty, 503-230-1221 (for times, to register, and to get carpool information or directions to the preserves)
Forest Park Ivy Removal Project
Ivy-busting at its best! Make sure Forest Park has a future! Save the trees from Ivy-cide! Invasive plant removal working with volunteers.
Location: Forest Park
Contact: Sandra Diedrich, 503-823-3681
Free Trips on the River
Headwaters to Ocean, H2O, will be shanghai-ing folks for free trips on their educational tug.
Location: Willamette River
Contact: Kiirsten Flynn, 503-228-9600
High Desert Museum/1000 Friends of Oregon
Subdivide and Conquer: A Modern Western Award-Winner Video on Sprawl, Automobiles and Alternatives.
Location: Bend
Contact: Mary Henry, 503-497-1000
Central Oregon Environmental Center
Procession of the Species. Giving the natural world a greater presence in our streets. A parade-like event created to celebrate the natural world through art, music and dance.
Location: Downtown Bend
Contact: Sarah Weiner, 541-383-5296
Central Oregon Environmental Center
Earth Day Fair. A full day of music, food, products, services, booths, and entertainment.
Location: Riverfront Plaza, Bend
Contact: Elizabeth Quinn, 541-598-7508
Klamath Falls Earth Day Celebration
Klamath Solar Association & more than 20 other organizations present an all day community festival with environmentally friendly and energy conserving exhibits and demonstrations.
Location: Jefferson Square Mall, 2848 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls
Contact: Darcy Caldwell, 541-851-0501
Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department
"Meet a Tree" hike will meet at 3:00 p.m. at the campground registration booth.
Location: Honeyman State Park in Florence
Contact: Park Ranger Karen Trombley, 541-997-3851
Commemorative Tree Seedling Giveaway/Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept.
Tree seedling giveaway. Park host will give a maximum of 5 trees per vehicle for home planting.
Location: Valley of the Rogue State Park, at I-5 Exit 45B Park Host Site D-1
Contact: Brent Siebold, 541-582-1118 x22
Oregon Natural Resources Council Action Team
A day and afternoon hike to Mt. Hardesty-June roadless area to learn about unprotected wilderness areas.
Location: Eugene
Contact: Nicole Czarnomski, 541-344-0675
Cape Perpetua
Experience Cape Perpetua with nature activities, presentations, guided walks that explore tidepools and old-growth forests.
Location: Cape Perpetua Scenic Area, Central Oregon Coast
Contact: Kristine Cochrane, 541-563-3211 - US Forest Service
Free Metro Home Composting Workshop
Location: Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 SE 122nd Avenue, Portland
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Contact: 503-234-3000
Corvallis Earth Day 2000
Pure foods march, educational fair, acoustic entertainment.
Location: Corvallis
Contact: Christina Calkins, 541-753-0595,
Tualatin Hills Nature Park & Interpretive Center
Join us for free hands-on discovery stations, guided nature walks, birds of prey demo, storytelling, craft activities and more!
Location: Tualatin Hills Nature Park, Beaverton
Contact: Bruce Barbarasch, 503-644-5595
Remove Non-Native Noxious Knapweed
Training and education on why and how to remove knapweed will be provided. Bring leather gloves, sturdy shoes, long sleeves, drinks, and a sack lunch
Location: Meet at Mosier Gas Station for directions to trailhead
Time: 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Contact: Diane McClay, 503-695-2261 x 226
Free 1 Hour Kayak Rental, Nehalem Bay Kayak Co.
One hour free recreational kayak rental on the Nehalem Bay. Celebrate non-motorized recreation.
Location: Wheeler, Oregon
Contact: Julie Chase, 503-368-6055
