This is an honor awarded to businesses in which the commitment of the top management and campaign coordinators encourages generosity, goodwill, and greater participation among employees. Congratulations to the 1999 Awardees!
Molecular Probes
Norm Thompson
PGE & Enron |
With deepest gratitude to donors at all of our partnering workplaces, we offer a special acknowledgement to ten selected businesses whose employees have made a significant or ongoing commitment to preserving Oregon's natural heritage and to improving the lives of citizens across the state.
EFO proudly recognizes workplaces in particular categories whose employees have contributed significantly to EFO's campaign or shown a marked increase from previous years.
Private, Most Money Raised
Norm Thompson - Small business (under 500 employees) $13,187
NW Natural - Medium business (500 - 1,500 employees) $17,353
Kaiser Permanente - Large business (over 1,500 employees) $53,353
Public, Most Money Raised
City of Eugene - Small agency (under 1,500 employees) $10,431
State of Oregon - Large agency (over 1,500 employees) $136,429
Private, Largest Percentage Increase
Anthro, Inc. - Small business (under 500 employees) 613%
PSC Scanning - Medium business (500 - 1,500 employees) 96%
PGE - Large business (over 1,500 employees) 79%
Public, Largest Percentage Increase
Housing Authority of Portland - Small agency (under 1,500 employees) 139%
Tri-Met - Large agency (over 1,500 employees) 52%
