Federation of Oregon

P.O. Box 40333
Portland, OR 97240
(503) 223-9015



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will benefit the Environmental Federation of Oregon.


Become an EFO Friend | Volunteer Spotlight

Become an EFO Friend

EFO Workplace Friends: an Easy Way to Make a Difference

Interested in helping the Earth while you are at work but don’t have time for a big volunteer project? Becoming an EFO Workplace Friend is an easy way to help increase awareness and support for conservation--and EFO--at your workplace. One of the most powerful things you can do to support conservation work across the state is to increase the circle of EFO supporters at your own workplace. And you get to decide how you’d like to do it. If you’d be willing to take any one or more of the actions listed below, or if you have your own ideas for increasing the success of EFO’s campaign in your workplace, please fill out and return this form. We’ll contact you about getting started. Remember, every little thing you do counts—a lot!

Please place a check next to what you’d like to do:

Hang up a few beautiful EFO posters

Keep EFO brochures at your desk as a resource

Send an informational email to your friends reminding them that the campaign has started

Sponsor an educational brown-bag lunch presentation (ie/”Gardening for Wildlife”)

Pass around EFO’s tips on earth-friendly living

Inform co-workers about EFO volunteer opportunities and events

(Write in anything else you are inspired to do!)

Copyright © 2000 Environmental Federation of Oregon, All Rights Reserved.
Presentation by Pakrat Press Digital Publishing.